Menu Plan Monday 8/1/2011

Yep, it's a little late this week.  :)  For more menu ideas visit Organized Junkie.


D: Pancakes with chocolate chips



B: Pancakes

D: City Group, Walking Tacos



B: Green Smoothies (Joey has been begging for these again.)

D: Lime Chicken, Rice, Green Beans



B: Eggs & Toast

D: Pork Steak with Scott's Famous Rub, Fried Corn, Mashed Potatoes



B: Pancakes

D: Grilling Burgers and Hotdogs and whatever veggie I have. 🙂



B: Fruit and PB&Js

D: Chicken Stirfry



B: GF donuts

D: Out or Leftovers

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Now for an update on Eli and the gluten free diet.  As you can see in our menu it's all GF again this week.  He is like another kid!  It's really crazy.  He had small (less then 30 minutes long!) melt down yesterday but he had been acting like it he didn't feeling well all day.  He also had a runny nose and I know my allergies were going crazy.  And on top of him feeling icky Joey was bugging the crap out of him all day.  I can't say I wouldn't have a melt down after that day either and I'm not two!  He's fine today so I'm assuming that was all what it was. 

I'm so excited that we found this out and that it's helping Eli.  He is just such a pleasant little guy now.  I don't feel like I'm walking on egg shells and trying to predict where/when a melt down will happen.  He's still a 2-year-old and still has little fits but nothing like before.  Trust me he's still Eli and strong willed.  He still let's us know he's not happy with our decision but it's just be a pout with a "humph" and not a full fledged throw myself on the ground screaming for 45 minutes melt down all because he can't have candy. 

He still pushes me as far as he can just to see what he can get away with but that's Eli.  I don't want that to change about him because he will be an adult that will push the limits and make a stand for God, I'm sure of it.  So, I said all that to say this, we're going to be a gluten free family (with the exception of Scott's lunches).  I know there are few things we have to get just to be prepared for now like a snack for church (they usually have animal crackers) and I'll be making weekly donuts for church on Sunday.  I'm sure our friend David will not complain one bit about it (he has Celiac).  With a little thinking ahead we can keep our boy feeling well, which is totally worth it.




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